“If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
—Nikola Tesla
My friends, this week we are going deeper than the Mariana Trench to illustrate a concept that can upgrade your life in an infinite number of ways if you are open minded.
This is the first time I have ever felt the need to include a disclaimer in a written piece, but I feel it is necessary as the following information could potentially disturb the minds of people who are not yet ready for it.
This piece will call into question your base level understanding of reality itself. If you are willing and open enough to question your own fundamental existence, proceed and read on.
If you are faithfully married to the idea that the physical reality you can see and touch is the only thing that is “real”, then I would suggest not reading beyond the gif image below.
You have officially been warned.
First, we are going to get real headdy before it all comes together in the end, so in the immortal words of that cig smoking scientist from Jurassic Park, “Hold on to your butts”…

The Law of Conservation of Energy, first proposed by Émilie du Châtelet, states that energy can not be created or destroyed—it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.
Quantum Theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level.
The smallest unit of measurement on the subatomic level that we currently know of is the Planck Length which is equivalent to around a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a cm across.
That is pretty darn small, my friend.
All the way down to the subatomic level, energy is the fundamental building block of the Universe, and it builds upon itself to scale upward from teeny tiny to reeeeeeeally big.
“It takes lots of little things to build big things.”
—Nassim Haramein
A Hydrogen atom is about 10 trillion trillion Planck Lengths across.
It takes 100 trillion atoms to build a cell.
Then, 37.2 trillion cells to build a hue-man body.
As of 2020, there are 7.8 billion hue-mans on earth that form the collective of Humanity.
Do you now see how it takes many little things to build big things? How it takes trillions of trillions of trillions of little things to build the body that your Consciousness uses to gain experience that matters?

Tesla called us to understand energy, frequency, and vibration in order to understand the Universe, aka the You-niverse, and we can use a declassified CIA document to further our understanding.
Keep in mind, this document was written in 1983 and approved for release in 2003. The link provided is hosted on the cia.gov website. This information has been in the public sphere for almost 20 years now, but few have reported on it.
If you would like a .pdf of the full report, including page 25 which is missing from the CIA site, click the button below.
According to the CIA in their report about the Monroe Institute’s Gateway Experience, solid matter simply does not exist. Every thing is made of oscillating energy grids.
Wait… uhhh… what?
Seriously, the CIA reported this finding on page 7, section 11 of the document.
Let’s now read what Commander Wayne M. McDonnell reported, together…
“Consciousness and Energy - Before our explanation can proceed any further, it is essential to define the mechanism by which the human mind exercises the function known as consciousness, and to describe the way in which that consciousness operates to deduce meaning from the stimuli which it receives.
To do this, we will first consider the fundamental character of the material world in which we have our physical existence in order to accurately perceive the raw stuff with which our consciousness must work.
The first point which needs to be made is that the two terms, matter and energy, tend to be misleading if taken to indicate two distinctly different states of existence in the physical world that we know it.
Indeed, if the term ‘matter’ is taken to mean solid substance as opposed to ‘energy’ which is understood to mean a force of some sort, then the use of the former is entirely misleading.
Science now knows that both the electrons which spin in the energy field located around the nucleus of the atom and the nucleus itself are made up of nothing more than oscillating energy grids.
Solid matter, in the strict construction of the term, simply does not exist.
Rather, atomic structure is composed of oscillating energy grids surrounded by other oscillating energy grids which orbit at extraordinarily high speeds…”

The CIA’s research simultaneously verifies Tesla’s advice for understanding the Universe, Châtelet’s theory about energy being infinite, and Haramein’s statement about little things building big things.
Energy that is vibrating at varying frequencies creates you, me, and every other thing in existence.
Now, if you are still with me here, let’s connect the dots we have just laid out.
Since we know that energy can not be created or destroyed, only transferred and transformed, and that every thing is made of matter which is made of energy, we realize that it is not possible to lose any thing, because no things exist in the first place.
It is all energy. All of it. Everyone and every thing.
All the way down from the Planck Length to body of the entire Universe itself, it is all just oscillating energy that builds upon itself.
Now, think about a time where you wanted to take action to create a new experience for yourself, but you chose not to out of fear that you had “too much to lose”.
Perhaps you wanted to quit your job to work for yourself but were worried about running out of money.
Perhaps you wanted to exit your relationship with a partner you did not fully align with but felt you could never do better than them.
Or perhaps someone you loved deeply passed away and you felt that your connection to them was over forever.
With your new understanding that nothing can ever be lost—that it can only be transferred or transformed, does this help to restructure your thinking about what is possible for you in your individualized life?
Does this help you to understand that oscillating shifts have happened in your life to restructure your world to further your experience?
Realizing and believing that you have absolutely nothing to lose is one of the most powerful transformations that you can undergo. It propels you from a life of limitations created by the mind into the infinite potential of limitlessness.
And limitlessness is possible because you believed it was possible, and decided to act upon that belief.
You can choose to to dive deeper into your own research about this information to experience how deep the rabbit hole goes for yourself, or to call it “crazy” and go back to whatever it is you do to fill your time and kill your boredom. That is the beauty of your innate Free Will.
It is my sincere hope that during this time of upheaval of the old systems of the world, during this informational New Age, you will honor the feeling inside your heart that says, “something feels off to me”.
And you will use discernment to filter out the noise that exists solely to distract you from ever fully understanding the gift of life that you possess, and the limitless nature of our shared Consciousness.
After all, my friend, you’ve got absolutely nothing to lose.
My friend, if you have read this far, congratulations, you are open to the limitless possibilities that life has to offer you should you choose to evolve the way you play its game.
For this week’s practice, we are reading the full text of the Gateway Experience Report linked above in this article.
To increase the potency of comprehension, I highly recommend listening to Brian Scott from The Reality Revolution Podcast reading the document as you read along with him. But keep in mind, he is reading from the version that is missing page 25.
You want to know who/what “God” is? You want to follow the rabbit hole all the way to the bottom? You want to understand your own limitless power and uncover life’s greatest secrets in the process?
If you are still with me here, then why wouldn’t you, considering the fact that now you have all the tools you need, and you’ve got nothing to lose either way.
I wish you well in your exploration of the abyss, and remember that as you stare into it, it stares back into you.
If you are asking yourself, “Who the heck is this guy and why am I sitting here reading what he has to say”, then start at post #1.
And please remember, I am not your guru, you are :)
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