The Hue-Man Experience
The Hue-Man Experience Podcast
I am not your guru. Always remember that.
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -14:52

I am not your guru. Always remember that.

#25 - It is about time I say this out loud to make myself clear.

“We are all just walking each other home.”
—Ram Dass

My dear readers, my dear friends. Today I am writing to clarify my purpose in publishing these articles each week.

I am not here to instruct you how to live your life. I am not here to “fix” you, because I do not think you are “broken” to begin with.

I am not here to elevate myself above you in any way. Nor am I here to sell myself as someone who believes that they are better than you in any way.

I am not your guru, so please, for the sake of both of us, do not put me up on a pedestal.

I chose the pen name “hue-man be-ing”, because that is what I am. Just like you. No matter what color, creed, size, or gender differences we might express, we are equal under the Sun in my eyes, and we are here together now to learn from and alongside each other.

I make my own mistakes sometimes as I walk my path through the Hue-Man Experience, and I do my best to learn from them. Sometimes it takes me far longer than I would like to break the loops I catch myself in, but one of the purposes that this writing project serves is to help me grow by forcing me to observe my own behavior from outside of myself.

It is said that the best way to learn is to teach, so I force myself to learn by holding the grand mirror in front of my own face for all to see on a weekly basis.

I write for me first, and I share these thoughts with you because I know that I am not the only hue-man working to better myself at this time. Having a healthy support system is beneficial for both the writer and the reader because this life does not come with an instruction manual and sometimes it gets confusing.

The light needs the darkness to understand itself, and in life we all step off the path from time to time to understand the true value of the heart’s guidance.

My dear reader, I too have Karma to resolve during this lifetime, and each day I chip away at it little by little. But then again, sometimes I still drink too much beer or whiskey in celebration of a long stint of not drinking. How comical is that? To drink too much to celebrate how good it feels to not drink.

I recently had an emotional outburst about a 45 minute slowdown on the freeway due to an accident in Indianapolis, and thankfully I had my partner on the phone to hold the mirror for me as I lost my mind like a toddler behind the wheel.

“What the FUUUUUUUU&%, this is going to slow me WAYYY DOWNNN”, I cried out to her. “I just want to get there. I have been on the road all day and I am so tiiiiiiired of this, gahhhhhhhh!”

She playfully responded, “I am surprised you are reacting like this right now. It is just traffic, dude. I thought you were better than this.”

Her words really stung, but in a good way. I was not offended by her observations or her comfort in sharing them with me. I was grateful for her words because they helped me step outside of myself to see yet another area of me that needed healing.

Whether I was tired from driving all day or not, I should have handled myself better than I did in that situation, so here I stand, humbled, still learning how to let go of all the weights of my own creation that create drag on my Spirit’s ability to fly.

I am well aware that as the Sun shines upon me, I cast a shadow. I used to deny its existence which caused me to run from it, however as I have grown I have learned to accept it and to use it to understand the whole of who I am. To deny the shadow is to hold oneself back.

To understand the concept of Unity, we must first understand how the light and the dark come together to form the whole. And perhaps that is the point of life itself.

I do believe that we hue-mans are special, but not because we are different. We are special because we are the same. Our sensory organs show us that we look and sound different from one another, but we each came here with no remembrance of where we were before our lives began, and no clear cut instructions of what to do while we are here, or what it all ultimately means.

We were each left here to figure it out for ourselves, and that can only be done by turning within to follow the compass that beats within our chest.

Look into my eyes and you will see the same reflection of light that I see in yours. Place your hand upon your chest and you will feel the same energetic force beating your heart that beats mine.

We are a collective of hue-mans living on Planet Earth, and we have taken this form at this time to serve as mirrors for each other to learn and teach.

I am not here to fix what is not broken. I am not here to be your idol or to do your personal work for you. I am here to do mine.

You are perfectly perfect the way you are in this moment, and only you will ever be able to decide when you feel it necessary to work on whatever your heart is asking you to do.

This weekly writing project makes clear how I feel, but once these words and ideas reach your brain, your perspective shapes the meaning you assign to them, and I understand that.

I will continue to share my story, my observations, and my viewpoint on the Hue-Man Experience that we are collectively creating together. But please do not put me up on a pedestal to elevate me above you. I am just like you. A hue-man be-ing, figuring it all out as I go.

And you know what? I love you. A lot. Because I love my self, and we are all one under the Sun.


This week our practice is to observe the narrator in our head that generates stories about the experience of life we are having. When we are reading, walking down the street, working, and in all other situations, we will pay attention to the stories we are telling ourselves about the experience that we are having.

Through the observation of how we synthesize experience, we will better understand how we are the ones who build the world we live in.

When someone is in front of you in the coffee shop and they are taking forever to order, notice the story you tell yourself about that person as your patience wears thin. Who is in control of your mind and mood? You, or the person in front of you?

How do you describe yourself to yourself and the others? What is that narrator saying as you are washing the dishes or walking alone? Are you constantly putting yourself down? Do you build yourself up? Or are you neutrally sitting in the center of yourself allowing your actions to speak for themselves?

Have an amazing week, my dear reader. Walk with love in your heart and grace in your step, and please always remember that we are the same.


If you are asking yourself, “Who the heck is this guy and why am I sitting here reading what he has to say”, then start here at #1.

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