“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.”
―Ann Landers
Last week’s piece was full of revelation where we used Quantum Theory and a CIA paper to understand that every thing is made of energy.
If you have not yet read that writing, you should, because this piece builds from it.
We established that energy can not die, it simply transfers or transforms. We have established that you and me are made of energy from the subatomic level up.
In life, time and time again, we must let go to continue moving forward. If we hold on too tightly to something precious that we love, it is possible that we might break it or hold ourselves back from receiving something more deeply aligned with our ever evolving needs.
Think about what would happen to you if you refused to let go of the last breath you just took?
The evolution of experience guides us to let go of people, things, places, everything, when it is time to say “goodbye for now”, and we must do so to allow new experience to lead to new growth.
Loss is one of life’s most powerful repetitive teachers because the experience of loss trains us how to let go of that which is temporary.
And every thing is temporary. All matter is temporary, but the energy that constructs it is infinite.
Our bodies receive the infinite force of Consciousness to power temporary experience. But once our bodies die, the energy that powered them continues on.
Perhaps the reason that the experience of embodied life continually teaches us to let go is that we are learning how to ultimately let go of our own bodies, our temporary identities, when the time for them to die comes.
Perspective is something that is always gained through experience. Whether you get what you do want or what you do not want, you always gain perspective.
When my best friend Tucker passed away back in 2019 I had known it was coming for quite some time, though I did not want to face it.
His death radically shook my world, but the synchronistic nods I have continuously received from his energy, his ever burning essence, have breathed beautiful moments of realization into my life since then.
He has shown me, time and time again through synchronicity, that while his body died, his loving essence lives on.
Synchronicity reveals itself so subtly that it is easy to miss or completely disregard as coincidence when our awareness is scattered by external forces.
Synchronicity is continuously happening. What fluctuates is our individualized level of awareness and ability to recognize it.
“The lips of wisdom are sealed, except to the ears of Understanding."
—The Kybalion
And as we learn how to let go of limiting beliefs, our awareness expands. The more our awareness expands, the more synchronicity we perceive.
Here is what energetic conversation can look like when we un-limit our beliefs of what is possible.
Examples of synchronistic visits from Tucker’s energy:
The inspiration for today’s piece struck me the morning of 8.11.22, and I immediately began furiously clacking keys on my computer to outline the ideas that were speaking through me.
At one point I took a quick break and looked at my facebook memories where I found the following screen shot.
This is what synchronicity looks like in action. This is a subtle nod from Tucker’s energy that encouraged me to allow myself to feel the feelings that come forward when writing about this emotional topic. To dive into them, rather than running from them.
It encouraged me to enjoy the memory of his hilarious antics, and our time spent together, rather than grasping onto the fearful idea that he is “gone forever”.
Then, below that memory, there was another one from two years prior as well. A photo my friend Jody took of Tuck and me on a special day that I remember as if it was yesterday.
And I cherish this memory deeply. I feel his unconditional love wrapping me in a hug right now as tears fall from my eyes as I share this memory with you.
Tucker’s energy gives quick and subtle winks whenever I need to be reminded that I am deeply and unconditionally loved by the great force of Consciousness that each of us is animated by.
He pops in to remind me that his true source of being never died.
It is not easy to lose your best friend, but their energy, their essence, is never lost. It is infinite, and simply transmuted to being that is beyond the perception of the sensory organs.
Moments after Tucker died, the words, “death ain’t nothing but a phase change” popped into my mind, and I have remembered those words ever since.
While I had to learn to let go of the times I was able to physically hug my sweet loving dog, I have never had to let go of his essence, and I revel in his love each time I feel its presence, and each time I consciously call it forth through my heart.
More examples:
On a day back in December of 2021 I was deeply contemplating bringing a new dog home, but I was still afraid of what it might be like. As I was searching shelter websites I was having WIFI issues and was frustrated.
Then Tuck’s name popped up as you will see in the screen shot below. I never saw that router name before that day, and have never seen it pop up again
Then there was a day I had been recalling memories of our time together while I was investigating an idea about custom cast iron pans. I clicked on an etsy shop link, and the example photo is shown in the screen shot below.
The page loaded that photo first, even though it was not the first photo in the gallery.
And lastly was the day of the first anniversary of Tucker’s passing. That day came while I was riding across Ohio on my 2020 bicycle tour, and it was an extremely emotional day to say the least.
I had been crying and calling out to Tucker all day as I rode. I told him how much I cherished our time together and the memories he left me with.
I told him how he taught me I was worth loving and that he had given me permission to learn to love myself. I thanked him for being by my side on those dark depressed nights where I contemplated taking my own life.
I thanked him for riding along with me, and for protecting me from cars on the road. And for the times he blew the wind at my back for a boost, or into my face to make me stronger.
Then, in one small town on my route, I started to see signs that said, “Talk to Tucker”. I had never seen them before that day, and I did not see them again after that day.
He was listening and I could feel his energy acknowledge me as I paid tribute to him. His death was but a phase change, and I continue to carry his essence, his love, in my heart forever.
And I will continue to shine that love from my heart to yours as long as I live.
People often speak of enlightenment as if it is something that happens at the end of life. As if it is the last goal to achieve before moving on to the next phase.
Learning how to let go of things, people, trauma, or ideas that hold you back is an enlightening experience.
Shedding the weights of regret, fear, anger, and shame that pin your spirit to the ground allows you the freedom to take flight to new a new elevation of being that was not previously attainable when carrying the extra baggage.
As we learn to let go of more and more, we realize that enlightenment is the first step toward living in line with the Will of our shared Consciousness. The power that animates us all.
Life is full of self inflicted suffering when we hold on too tightly to temporary things.
Learning to let go allows us to embrace what is, and to receive the wisdom that is gained through all experiences, whether we previously judged them to be “good” or “bad”.
If I never let go of Tucker—if I told myself that there could never be a love in my life as great as his, I would have fulfilled that storyline through the actions that followed those beliefs.
I would have hobbled my own growth potential by living in fear.
I would have shut myself off to the unconditional love that he taught me.
But paying tribute to him, and by embracing our evolved means of communication released my grasp of the past, and gave me permission to allow myself to love another dog. And to receive the new lessons that Juice has been teaching me ever since he came into my life.
Juice has revealed himself to embody certain aspects of Tucker that make me laugh with joy every time he displays them. But he is his own dog and he has helped me to evolve further from how I felt and perceived love when Tucker passed the torch to him.
I know that one day the Juiceman will transmute back to pure energy as well, but in the meantime we have plenty of life to live together and I deeply cherish every moment with him, and every new lesson he teaches me.
I promised Tuck that I would “live harder” when he died, and Juice and I are doing exactly that together.
This week’s practice calls us to let go of something that we know is no longer serving our greatest potential. To release our white knuckled grasp of something that is weighing our spirit down.
Our intuition is constantly speaking to us through the heart, yet often we use our mind to shout over its knowing whispers.
You and only you can follow the guidance of your internal compass. And your internal compass, driven by your intuition, will always guide you to the best possible place for you to be.
Whatever it is, you can do it. But you are going to have to deeply trust yourself in order to allow yourself to receive the gifts that your open hands will receive once you let go.
If you are asking yourself, “Who the heck is this guy and why am I sitting here reading what he has to say”, then start at post #1.
And please remember, I am not your guru, you are :)
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