The Hue-Man Experience
The Hue-Man Experience Podcast
I have an important question for you...

I have an important question for you...

#27 - Please do not answer me, Answer the person you see in the mirror. And please be honest with yourself as you do.

“There is nothing more powerful and nothing more dangerously beautiful than a free mind.”
― Bryant McGill

Lately I have been hearing people say things like, “the world has gone crazy.” “I just don't understand how we got to this point.” And, “nothing makes any sense anymore.”

It comes as no surprise that people are making these statements, and their questions about reality are perfectly valid. Confusion in the Collective Consciousness is incredibly high at this time, and simply being alive in this world feels quite stressful to many people these days.

You might be watching the news and believing every word you hear or spending too many hours per day doom-scrolling social media being bombarded by opinions left and right.

Or perhaps you are spending too much of your finite attention listening to your “conspiracy” friends ranting about whatever they are on this week.

The simple fact is that the information you are being bombarded with every single day is immense, intense, and unnatural.

Social media algorithms are designed to only serve you content similar to your interests without contrasting opinion to keep you locked in for as long as possible.

Follow the money and you will find that only 6 Mega Corporations own about 90% of the news outlets that you read, watch, and/or listen to.

Do the people who run social platforms and the news care about helping you find peace? Do they care about helping you climb the Ladder of Consciousness? Or do they care about increasing profits by whatever means necessary?

In today’s world we each need to consciously build mechanisms to turn the external information flow off for some period of time each day in order to slow our speeding brains back down to a halt so they can rest and reset peacefully.

If you would like an idea that can help you slow down each day, try the method in this post we published back in early June.

The Hue-Man Experience
Leave your silly phone at home and see what happens
Listen now (8 min) | “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” —Buddha You and the rest of us humans currently live in a time where we are seemingly more connected than ever. Yet, through that connection a major disconnect has formed, and I know you feel it as deeply within your heart as I do because you are here with me now…
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This brings us to the question I would like to ask you this week, and I ask you not to answer me, but to answer only yourself. And please, be honest with yourself and use your truth to discern what you should do next.

The Question:
Can you trace your opinions back to their origins?

Whatever you have an opinion about, whether it regards yourself or others or a combination of the two, can you trace it back to where it originated?

Are you honestly the person who formed your viewpoints about the important things happening in the world that you feel so strongly about, or are you simply parroting the opinion of an external source without analyzing what your instincts and experience tell you about that opinion?

I understand that some folks might not enjoy this exercise, and that is OK. It is not meant to be an easy one.

But this question is an important one to be asking yourself at this time if you want to see the world change for the better in your lifetime because that is entirely possible, but it requires your participation.

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It seems to be the case that for quite some time the mainstream focus has been on “emergency hopping” from one crisis to the next.

Remember back to when the world changed for everyone in 2020, and then think about where we are at today.

Do you see how we have been steered from one crisis right into the next without even having a moment of peace to breathe in between?

People love to feel that they are truly unique individuals who each think for themselves at all times, but the Bell Curve is called the “Normal Curve” for a reason.

Most people work very hard to appear “normal” when they are actually hilariously weird behind closed doors, and in today’s world, authenticity is what many are craving whether they consciously realize it or not.

And in order to be authentic you must think for yourself.

We talk about the power of words on this publication quite often. Here is a word to consider. “Television”.

Here is an alternate way to consider that word: “Tell-a-vision”.

The content your TV displays is called “programming” for a reason.

Where do most “normal” people in the middle of the bell curve get their information from? How are their opinions formed?

Take a look at the state of the world, but more importantly, feel how the news makes you feel. And then analyze that feeling.

That feeling will tell you exactly where the Collective Consciousness that we all share is currently at in its evolution. And the only way to evolve that feeling to a more pleasant one is to think for yourself, and act accordingly.

When people assume responsibility for their own thoughts and actions on an individual level, the whole collective benefits, and the natural byproduct is that we collectively move towards the goal of shared peace.

You know the way, my dear reader. You have always known the way. Now it is time to start trusting and believing the voice of your heart.


This week’s practice is entirely up to you, my friend. You are the only one who can answer today’s question, and you are the only one that can discern what you are to do about it.

I believe the Pronoic force that created this Universe has your back at all times whether you believe in it or not.

And I believe that what some might call a chaotic world is perfectly in order, and that things are the way they are right now to rouse you to consciously step into your true state of authentic being.

It is time to shed the unnatural way together.

It is time to evolve together.

Kisses <3


If you are asking yourself, “Who the heck is this guy and why am I sitting here reading what he has to say”, then start at post #1.
And please remember, I am not your guru, you are :)

The Hue-Man Experience
The Hue-Man Experience Podcast
Studying the field of consciousness, only to realize that everything is everything.
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