You exist in a state of perpetual becoming
#51 - Part 3: If you're still living it, embrace the practice of life.
“There is no place for fear and music in the same room.”
—Dr. Cynthia Johnston-Turner
Today we finalize the first ever 3 Part Sub-Series published here on T.H.E.
But first, let’s briefly recap how we got to where we are so we’re all on the same page.
From Part 1:
Your body, and every other thing on Earth, is made of oscillating energy in the form of waves.
While your awareness is locked in your body, there are pre-installed governors which limit the amount of creation you are able to physically perceive with your eyes and ears.
There are more living waves than you can see or hear moving all around and through you in this moment. Turn on a radio and it will translate some of them to a bandwidth your limited senses can register.
From Part 2:
The essence of Life is movement. And since the rhythmic pulses of waves create all matter, Life is music.
You contribute a unique musical part to the Song of Life. And if you practice, the act of playing keeps your Inner Child thriving.
Through enough practice, what once felt like “work” will naturally begin to feel like “play”. It is important to never give up when you know you are doing the work you were born to do.
What does Becoming look like?
You can’t watch a baby’s first cell split in two with your naked eyes because the act is smaller than they can register. You also can’t see through Mama’s tummy, so you need medical tools which use waves to help you view the nugget of Life growing inside.
Your First Year:
You and I were both born as helpless little Hue-Mans, and thankfully there were experienced people around to guide us into this world. You probably don’t remember much from your first year—it was likely an overwhelming experience for your new sensory organs.
In the first few years of your life, your world looked and felt different to you than it does now. Every stimulus was a new one you had never seen before, and they were all equally mind-blowing. But at the same time, you weren’t yet able to form the words to tell anyone what you were experiencing.
Your eyes bugged and your face lit up when you heard music for the first time. You had no idea what it was or how it was made, but when the rhythmic sound waves wiggled your ears, they also made your butt instinctively sway a little, and it felt good to move along with the beat.
Teenage Years:
As a youngster, your experience listening to music taught you the difference between Jazz, Pop, Hip-Hop, and Country, and you took inspiration from each genre. Well, maybe except Country. The music moved you, and inspired you to make some of your own, so you asked for an instrument for Christmas and started practicing every day.
Young Adulthood:
After years of practice, you found yourself making music you enjoy, and your friends all love dancing to it too. Your passion for playing was sparked by that first listen all those years ago, but you never gave up practicing when it felt difficult, and your persistent growth is evident in the sound of your work.
You’ve made it to the point where the culmination of your practice has given you the musical voice to express how you feel in a way a child or young adult could not. You know the note to translate any feeling, and you command the hearts of your listeners through the movement of your playing, while recognizing the beat of your practice only stops when the beat of your heart does.
So then.
When you were first born, you couldn’t even talk. But these days the beauty of the music you play makes listeners like me weep. That’s evolution if I’ve ever witnessed it, baby.
You’ve evolved and are now able to express complex feelings which words don’t have the weight to translate, and you share them with the rest of us through your effortless play.
And when I hear you touch those keys with soft patience, I can feel the tireless hours of practice you continually carve into every day of your existence.
But why would you go through an entire lifetime of practice and growth, just for it all to abruptly end one day when your time’s up?
You’re the adult here, yet a baby in the next world
You and I started life as babies. Our ability to express ourselves was restricted compared to how it works today, and it took many years of practice to learn to communicate effectively.
As babies we had no idea what we didn’t know about being alive yet, and we eagerly absorbed new lessons each day. We learned to walk, talk, write, and play, and those actions taught us about Life through Direct Experiences we had no other choice but to step through.
While you and I have now grown into physical adults here on Earth, the level of our Conscious Awareness is still comparable to that of a child when considering the mere sliver of Creation we are permitted to see.
The magnitude of the total scale of Conscious Life extends so far beyond the limits of your body’s sensory tools, some Hue-Mans short circuit before they can even begin to imagine it.
But they don’t think twice about what heats their leftover pizza in the microwave, or about what carries music down their radio’s antennae, do they? Their awareness of the waves which move beyond their senses is limited just as the child’s awareness of the Pentatonic Scale is.
So how can you learn to see beyond the limits of your sensory tools? How can you learn to trust the experiences you have beyond the body to use their teachings to evolve beyond this Realm of confusion?
You wanna fly, Pan? You gotta believe.
Life’s greatest mysteries touch each of us, and we are meant to play together in our quest to solve them.
You probably don’t remember anything from before you were born, and you probably aren’t going to come back after you die to tell us about what’s on the other side.
At a certain point, you are going to have to decide for yourself what meaning you attribute to life. And then you will be called to practice your belief in this meaning over and again.
Beliefs built through Direct Experience do not sway in the wind. They set the solid foundation from where you stand to act confidently in a world of uncertainty.
And when others challenge the beliefs you’ve built through experience, you will always remember the action it took to forge them from the fear that once stood in your way. Only you will ever fully understand what it takes to be you.
Your action speaks for itself, and perhaps your place is not to prove how correct you are to other equals. But to lead by example while preserving their Free Will to form their beliefs on their own terms.
You have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself. And the unwavering belief you can do whatever you apply your Inner Child to is what transforms your practice into playtime.
Apply this mentality to any area of your life and watch what happens to your level of awareness in the next 365 days.
A return to the start
Limitation breeds creativity, doesn’t it?
Your Creator limited your sensory perception of the world, but constantly shares veiled secrets about life’s greatest mysteries through the form of in-your-face symbols and synchronicity.
The answers to all your deepest questions are right in front of your face, but it’s up to you to decode them.
And as you practice collecting Direct Experience of the forces which move beyond your sensory window, your ability to trust your interpretation of what you see beyond the veil strengthens.
But the rub is ultimately you won’t have tangible proof of your experiences beyond the body to show anyone else, and this preserves their Free Will, allowing each the opportunity to discover for themselves. The same opportunity given to you by your mysterious limitations.
When you begin practicing whatever you’re interested in, your effort will feel like work at first.
That’s the barrier to entry which is meant to test your resolve, and when you push through it, the freedom you experience on the other side makes your life feel like playtime.
The essence of life is movement, and evolution is just that, isn’t it? Movement of one understanding / form / way of being, into a more experienced version?
In order for your evolution to have any meaning, there needs to be factors unknown to you which you can discover as you live.
Embrace your hardwired limitations, and learn to look beyond them. That’s probably the point of everything, anyway ;-P
Have fun becoming in 2023, my dear friend. I am imagining you building your dreams one day at a time, while playing through the process.
The Last Question of 2022:
Well, we’ve made it to the end of 2022, the end of this sub-series, and the end of YEAR 1 of The Hue-Man Experience.
Whoa. Time flies, doesn’t it?
After writing all of the above just now, I was instantly moved to tears and had to completely stop to sit within the feeling for a while.
I wish I could share with you the profound effects this project has had on my life during Year 1, but after reading this article you will know why I can’t.
All I can say is I am grateful for the experiences which galvanized me into who I am. For the voice which took me years to grow into. And for the energy this work injects into my Spirit.
And I am grateful you are here with me on this ride.
The Question:
What are you working on that you are most passionate about? Is it the job that pays your bills, or something you aren’t getting paid for yet?
How do you think your life would feel on a daily basis if you carved out a little bit of time each day to work on the thing you are most passionate about?
How long would it take until you’re living your dream life, looking back at your old self wondering what took you so long to go for it?
Next week we’ll come up with a unique way to recap Year 1 of T.H.E. in Article #52. And I am thrilled to share more details about the continual evolution of this project as they come to life in 2023.
I’m proud of you--the Hue-Man emissary of Self!
I can feel some of the challenge and triumph of your journey. Thank you for heeding the call in your heart, week after week. Your words play a familiar philosophical tune, but you offer simplicity and grace that is wholly(holy) unique.
One comment about this week’s article.. Your “child’s eyes” exploration reminds me of...drumroll please, Castaneda’s work (for the 100th time lol). Castaneda told the story of a deep meditation he had where he was in a new world, the sun from this world was big and peachy and trippy. The ground had a spongey quality that fascinated him.
Suddenly he is dragged by a huge naked woman to a cathedral that blows him away. The architecture feels sacred to him. Then, an even larger woman, walks up to them and separates the naked one from Castaneda. When he comes out of it he talks to his master, Don Juan.
Don Juan probably laughs at him before explaining that Castaneda went back to a memory when he was a baby. The naked girl was his sister, the sun was coming through the window of a large room with child-safe floors. The cathedral was an upside down chair and the larger woman was his mother.
What that story verified within me is that our false-beliefs and storytelling dulls the world around us and establishes our sensory-verified reality as our ultimate truth.
We must explore within and liberate our Inner Child -- the playful magician within!
Happy New Year to you and Juice!