The essence of life is movement
#50 - Part 2: Your life is like a song you're composing and dancing to at the same time.
“There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard.”
— Sun Tzu, “The Art of War”
Part 1 of this sub-series ended with a question last week. You’ll want to have read that article before you start here now.
"Why would Raw Source Energy, aka Consciousness, bother to create matter in the first place? What is the point?"
This is a big question which fractalizes into more questions, so we will strip it back to its essence and play to see what happens.

Want to understand? Use your imagination.
Imagine you're sitting in silence in a dark room. You are aware there has never been a time where your being was not alone in that room.
After sitting still in the dark for, well, forever, your concept of the body you may or may not be attached to faded long ago. You feel more like a disembodied mind floating through space than anything else at this point. Aware, but not contained.
With an eternity of time behind and before you, how would you pass it?
It would probably feel pretty weird to be an intelligent mind floating through space without a body, because you wouldn’t be able to do anything physical at all. And as Hue-Mans, our entire being is built around physicality in a world we only see a sliver of.
And here you are
So this disembodied version of you, the force of Consciousness which animates your physical body, is always just chillin’. It is always aware. Always simply being.
But that sounds pretty boring when comparing it to the music of embodied life here on Earth, doesn’t it?
Maybe that’s the main reason why this realm exists in the first place? The Creator got bored of sitting still and decided it was time to dance to its own cosmic song?