You are so much more than your physical body
#49 - Part 1: Your eyes limit what you see, and your ears limit what you hear
“You may command Nature to the extent only in which you are willing to obey her. You cannot intelligently obey that which you do not comprehend.”
—Walter Russell"
Back in T.H.E. Issue #31, we learned how all physical matter is made of oscillating energy which can neither be created or destroyed.
We also observed how it takes a lot of little things sticking together to build bigger things:
Trillions of atoms build a single living cell
Trillions of cells build your Hue-Man Body
Billions of Hue-Mans build the Body of Hue-Manity
But when you’re looking at your physical body in the mirror, your eyes do not perceive the oscillating energy which vibrates you to life. You see only a sliver of the whole, the physical byproduct of that Source Energy’s action.
You don’t see the swirling atoms powering the hearts of your cells, and you don’t see your cells actively working to form and run your biological meat suit. But you do enjoy the fruits of their effort every day of your life.
So how can we better understand this Primordial Source Energy which creates every thing, if we can only see a small physical sliver of it?

The science behind your senses
In motion, Source Energy takes the form of Electromagnetic Waves. These creative waves then move through time and space, and vibrate potential matter into existence.
Waves create peaks and valleys as they move, just as The Ocean does.
If you measure the metric distance you see between two wave peaks as you lay on the beach, you will have calculated their wavelength.
And if you listen to how many of those waves crash into the rocks on the shoreline every second, you can measure their oscillating speed.
Light waves are measured in Nanometers (nm)
Sound waves are measured in Hertz (Hz)
Your relationship with your environment is predominately guided by your ability to see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. But there is a lot more informational wave data vibrating around in the seemingly empty space all around you, though your body is built specifically to not perceive it.
By design, your sensory organs limit your perception of the totality of creation. You only see and hear the physical side of it.
Your eyes are only capable of viewing the bandwidth of about 400nm to 700nm of the Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum.
Your ears can only perceive sounds from about 20Hz to 20,000Hz.

The NASA image above helps you visualize the size to speed relativity of electromagnetic waves.
Faster moving waves have shorter lengths and generate smaller physical forms than larger ones. But these tiny, faster moving waves, are the building blocks of everything larger than them.
Without them, there would be nothing to build from. And without Primordial Source Energy to build the waves, there would be no thing at all.
Please make this make sense to me
Imagine you’re driving a car. You press the gas pedal to move down the road at 35 MPH as you head to work from home.
From your perception in the driver’s seat, it feels like your forward locomotion across the land is the only movement happening during your trip to work, right? You just get in the car, push the pedal, and it goes the speed you tell it to.
But as your wheels turn, oscillating action churns under the hood, hidden from your immediate view.
Your car’s engine is made of hundreds of smaller moving mechanical parts which harness explosive power to revolve cranks at rapid speeds in order to generate the force that turns your wheels.
Even when idling at a red light, the average car’s engine is still spinning about 700 rotations per minute, and you can feel it rumble.
And then it spins even faster to take you to the top end of each gear.
You can see here how the systems densely packed into the finite space of your car’s hood provide the life force which propels it. That is, as long as its Source Energy, aka Gasoline, is in the tank.

Let’s learn more about visible light
If you buy your 16 year old son an expensive sports car for his birthday, you might want to protect him and the others on the road by installing a governor in its engine to limit how fast he can crank it.
It’s his first car, and he’ll be able to confidently go fast once he’s had some practice, but for now, you don’t want him to do anything stupid, right?
Your body has veils built into its sensory organs which act the same way. Your eyes were designed to limit the amount of Creation which you are able to directly witness.
You can only register electromagnetic wavelengths from 400nm to 700nm, so we call this range the Visible Light Spectrum. But there are faster moving waves beyond what we can see, and slower movers before it.
A Radio Wave exists on the same Electromagnetic Spectrum as the color Violet and an X-Ray do, but its wavelength is larger than what your eyes or ears can perceive naturally.
The X-Ray is invisible to you because it moves too fast and its wavelength is shorter than the frequency range you can register.
But with the aid of tools like a Radio and an X-Ray Machine, both of these waves can be measured to produce proofs you can perceive and use.

Think about this
Imagine you are sitting wordlessly in a purple room with big windows. No one else is with you, and no music is playing.
You feel like you are completely alone in your room now, right?
What would happen if you flipped your radio on in there? Would you still feel completely alone in the presence of music?
But when you turn the radio on, it does not generate the source of the music you hear. It is merely a receiver picking up on long waves you cannot perceive which are already present in the room with you.
If you could see radio waves, X-Rays, and Ultra Violet Light, your experience of life would look and feel much different than it does now, wouldn’t it?
You’d never again perceive yourself to be alone in a room anywhere if you could see energy.
And if you did have friends around, not only would you hear their voices from across the room, but you would see how the waves of their words wiggle the air on the way to beat your ear drum too.
If you could perceive the entirety of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, not only would you feel your inseparable connection to the source which powers you and everyone else, but you would see it too.
But for now you’ve got those pre-installed governors to help you forget about the slower and faster waves which create beyond the threshold of your sensory perception.
Wouldn’t you like to remove them to see how deep the rabbit hole of Creation goes?
Check back next week and we will walk together.

This Week’s Question(s)
Why would Raw Source Energy, aka Consciousness, bother to create matter in the first place? What is the point of every thing?
Why create something and then segment it into layers which are not aware of other layers of the creation? Why build perceptive governors right into the Hue-Man body?
Why not give all creations the ability to experience the totality of creation together, so we can all enjoy peaceful lives?
Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me this week then. But hey, these are just a few minor questions to ponder on dog walks ;-P
Next week’s article for Paid Subscribers will serve as Part 2 to this piece, and I am excited to present a few ideas in a unique audio/visual way I have never tried before.
Tap the button below, upgrade, and be here next Wednesday so you don’t miss out.
Love you, Champion.