I really enjoyed listening to you and Cody.

I'm going to research the Druids, and their beliefs that things happen in threes. My favorite number is three, and I always considered that it was because I have three children. Perhaps the root of it goes much deeper. And on a side note, I'll never look at pumping gas the same again! :).

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The pumping gas thing really stuck with me after our conversation! Thank you for listening 🤠 I'm really excited to talk with Cody again in the future, because I found him to be truly fascinating.

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Man, Hue, you really did such an excellent job with this. The Mother Nature sponsor segment had me choking with laughter, too, such a fun touch.

Thank you for having me on. When I want to talk, you’re exactly the kind of person I want to talk to, open, honest, insightful, funny.

You’ve made a friend out of me just by your writing alone. This conversation added more depth. I’m eternally a fan of The Hue-Man Experience--this strange world needs you!

Also, Karin, I’m happy to hear that you’re interested in the Druid’s. I’m just starting my study into these mystical, profound people.

I recommend two books that I’ve barely cracked, but love so far. I’ve done a lot of research and these are gems in the category: 1.

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Cody, thanks again for coming on and for being such a patient guest. I listened to parts of our conversation over and over during the video cutting process, and some of what you said didn't even fully sink in until the 3rd or 4th listen.

Your wisdom runs deep, shared in powerful subtlety, and i'm honored to know you, brother. And by the way, Karin is my mom, so I'll send her your book recs and tell her you said hi.

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1. The 21 Lessons of Merlin by Douglas Monroe

2. The Druids by Peter Berresford Ellis

The first really jumps into the influence and magic of the Druids and the other is a more rigidly academic exploration--specifically separating fact from fiction. Enjoy!

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Thank you Cody. From the limited time I spent Googling "The Druids" yesterday I saw a comment that they didn't record in writing anything about their beliefs. If this turns out to be true, I gather that all written information about them came second hand. I will check out the two books you listed. I'm anxious to learn more.

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Yeah, that's true! It supposedly took about 20 years for one to memorize all the knowledge they offered in their schools. Most of our academic understanding of them comes from the Romans, who were confused and threatened by them (really all Celtic people were deemed 'barbaric', or 'mad'). Specifically, their integration of women and their focus on spiritualism vs materialism. Druid women could hold powerful positions and they weren't treated like second-rate people. The Romans hated this since materialism and male-dominated society was their way.

For most of their known history, Druids practiced in secret, and they even did sneaky things like incorporating their ways into the fabric of Roman society. Many people believe the Romans took them out, but the Romans were in awe of the Druids. So instead of wiping them out, they besmirched and forbid their practices and then controlled them through integration, which caused some cold war era style tensions and tactics within Rome. Truly fascinating.

You said that there was a pull to learn about them. Maybe we both have some Druid roots. Within me it feels like I do. Something about them is relevant to today's world, too, like the Druids' knowledge can help turn things around.

I keep getting the sense that it's about "the art of gathering," that the Druids have some knowledge to teach or help me remember the connective magic of sharing space with others, and engaging/collaborating-with the universe as a collective.

Enjoy your study!

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You are a wealth of information. Thank you for sharing!

I am very interested in learning more, and it's quite possible I (and therefore Sean) have some Druid roots. My Grandmother traced our history on her side back to a Baron in England, who was one of the signers of the Magna Carta (in roughly 1214). I have all the paperwork, and am an officially recognized "Magna Carta (also shown as Magna Charta) Dame. I continue to be interested in learning about my family's roots, and hope that this information brings understanding. I very much like the idea of engaging/collaborating with the universe as a collective.

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