#84 - Which would you rather be?
I choose Master 2, but honestly I have a little of Master 1 floating around.... I'm working on it though.......great article
I'm working on it too. Every time I catch myself being Master 1, I'm like, "dang, again. *exhale*, ok, keep trying."
But that's the whole thing I'm learning. To not be so hard on myself. To observe, chuckle, and breathe it out.
Thanks for being here, Jeremy.
I gotta say thanks again, my daughter just started homework for this school year , and asking myself what master am I being helped definitely 🤘
I choose Master 2, but honestly I have a little of Master 1 floating around.... I'm working on it though.......great article
I'm working on it too. Every time I catch myself being Master 1, I'm like, "dang, again. *exhale*, ok, keep trying."
But that's the whole thing I'm learning. To not be so hard on myself. To observe, chuckle, and breathe it out.
Thanks for being here, Jeremy.
I gotta say thanks again, my daughter just started homework for this school year , and asking myself what master am I being helped definitely 🤘