
I loved your description of the process of getting there. I had trouble with this relationship lol.

For years, it had to be on my nightstand 'just in case' of emergency- if someone needs me. But when I moved from Colorado to Missouri...there was nobody I could save in the middle of the night, I didn't know anyone.

"leave the phone in the kitchen when you go to sleep" is what I said. It's been over 2 years that my phone doesn't enter my sleeping zone. But with that... came the attitude of 'it's a phone' and 'whoever buzzed a text now, can wait' I am not reachable on a push button.

I know it might seem a little radical in this time and era- but I answer my friends hours after the text is received. I am not on demand:) busy:)

Thanks for a wonderful flowing read!

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It feels good to sleep in a different room from your phone, doesn't it? And I love what you said, "I am not reachable on a push button"--I am working on being the same!

Seems like when people have too much unrestricted access, the lines of our boundaries get blurry from time to time. But most importantly, I was stepping over my own boundaries to "stay in touch", and I didn't like the way that felt.

Thanks for reading, Eden!

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Love this! I’m gonna do this one of these days

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Kinda hard when you have 27 kids!! :)

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Bwahahahaha 27 kids...I’m glad it’s only 5 lol

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