First off, Matt Lock is sooo cool of a name, I was instantly drawn in by it. Great conversation. The main theme of it feels like “the simple and strange art of LEANING IN.” Powerful stuff steeped in actual experience.

Felt the same resonance as you, Hue, to Matt’s words about the universe trying to tell a story. Gave me the good-chills. And your subsequent realization that the universe is telling the story THROUGH US to empower others as well. Man, what a dose of truth and love! Truly a perfect example of the teacher/learner, learner/teacher dynamic of consciousness 🙌

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Best name ever! Well, besides CODY!

I find myself leaning into what is needed, recently. Even when it's uncomfortable. And it's refreshing to know you and I walk together.

What i'm learning about teach/learn and learn/teach, is when you follow your intuition, you might ruffle some feathers, but serving yourself on this level, serves the ALL on a level you might not fully understand until after you pass through the gateway of fear.

Big love, Cody! Wishing you a smile today, brother.

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