“The key to understanding the answer to any questions about guidance is having a clear grasp of what is 3-Dimensional.”
—Elaine Seiler
You're a Hue-Man, and so am I. And each of us is driving a different physical vehicle to experience LIFE in 3 Dimensions.
While the Grand Overarching Design for Hue-Man Bodies looks strikingly like a five pointed star, there are infinite variations in the ways Mother Earth puts us together, feature by feature.
And there are infinite ways for each of us to live, based on how we frame our thinking.
When I look across the room and see you sitting quietly, I am able to observe your physical form. I can describe what you look like from the outside, and how your first impression makes me feel, but my awareness is not inside your head with you.
From the other side of the room, I can't hear whatever silent conversation you're having with yourself. Nor can I feel how that conversation makes your body feel.
This is because your presence is more than merely your Physical. You also possess a Mental Body, and an Emotional Body as well.
The Hue-Man Pyramid
Your Pyramid Body is the vehicle which you drive to experience LIFE.
It is composed of 3 different bodies—the Mental, Emotional, and Physical.
These 3 bodies work independently, and together, simultaneously. Their relationship is seamless yet separated.
And every moment you've ever experienced in your waking 3rd Dimensional life was a result of their teamwork.
The quality of your life is governed by your mind. Every action performed by your physical body begins as a thought or an impulse.
And once an action is performed, you receive immediate feedback through the feeling it creates.
So the basic cycle of energetic motion between each body in your Pyramid looks like this:
Thought → Action → Feeling → Thought → Action → Feeling →
You can see how your 3 independent bodies work as a team to enable your exploration of 3rd Dimensional Existence.
Body Building
The physical strength of a body builder is determined by their will to train, which is a result of how they talk to themselves. The body builder says, "yes I can" more often than "I can't do that", and their physical presence is proof of their philosophy.
All 3 of their bodies work as a team to drive their vehicle toward a unified goal, which lives rooted in the mind.
Something important every Hue-Man should understand is how every thought—every single thought—builds your mental body.
And how you feel is almost entirely based on how you silently narrate your life inside your head, coupled with how you act upon those thoughts.
Every thing you experience in life starts and ends at the top of your pyramid.
Your Mentality is Everything
How does The Survivor Mentality frame new experience? And what about The Victim Mentality?
The Survivor’s balanced flow of energy between their Mental, Physical, and Emotional Bodies naturally produces alignment in their being.
The Victim's Mentality distorts the energetic flow between bodies.
If you imagine the yellow pyramid in Fig. 1 as a swirling energetic line connecting all 3 bodies, then traumatic experiences would kink the line which connects the Mental Body with the Emotional.
This leads to feeling "out of alignment" during the experience of waking life because the energetic distortions between the Emotional and Mental Bodies directly affect the Physical.
Living in Alignment
Our experience being in the waking world depends on the alignment of our thoughts, actions, and feelings. And each Hue-Man Pyramid, or should I say Tetrahedron, stacks together with the others to create the 3rd Dimensional Body of LIFE.
That is, our individual alignment is paramount to the alignment of THE ALL.
When you feel one of your bodies is more fatigued than the others, breathe into it. Give it your Unconditional Love. It will tell you what it needs.
And when you think any thing about yourself, consider how those thoughts will evolve your being. Because every single one counts.
New Video Podcast Next Week
I am pleased to share there will be a new video podcast episode of T.H.E. next Wednesday, featuring Birth Doula, Joanna Sullivan, of Bring Harmony Home.
We had a touching conversation about LIFE, letting go, and her expecting motherhood. And I am thrilled to share this wonderful woman’s philosophy and life experience with you.
See you back here, same time, next Wed.