The Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation
#14 - Practicing this 20 minute routine each day will have a revolutionary impact on your energy
“To feel more fulfilled your actions and activities need to be in alignment with what you deem important.”
— Deborah Day
This week we are practicing the Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation.
The Five Tibetan Rites is a combination of daily exercises, each repeated 21 times. The purpose of "doing your Rites" each day is to create energetic alignment, to increase energy flow, and to increase the rotational speed of the seven energetic vortexes within the body.
Each of the five exercises stimulates one or multiple energy centers.
Our energy centers are located in various places throughout the body and each is depicted by a color:
Red: Root
Orange: Sacral
Yellow: Solar Plexus
Green: Heart
Blue: Throat
Indigo: Pineal
Crown: Violet
Those seven colors sound familiar too… 🌈
If you are a dedicated reader of The Hue-Man Experience, then you already remember back in Post #7 when we discussed the importance of consciously directing mental energy. The Tibetan Rites are one of the ways that we consciously direct our energy physically, and their long term benefits will only be received by those who dedicate themselves to the practice each day.
In the video above, your friendly neighborhood Hue-Man demonstrates seven repetitions of each exercise for you to follow along with.
Remember that each Rite should be repeated 21 times daily during your practice, and the first Rite is always done spinning clockwise. It will likely take a week or two for most people to be able to do all 21 repetitions in a row, so do not be discouraged if you can only do 5 or 10 during your introductory period.
I personally like to practice in the morning before meditation. Typically I find it much easier to still my mind and open my heart with the increased energy flow I feel after doing my Rites.
Drop a comment below and let us know how you feel after you try this for the first time, and then keep going. Remember, there are long term benefits to this practice, but we must work at it each day to receive them.
Try to make it a point to do your Rites each day whenever it works best for you, and then use the momentum you have built to keep the flow going next week.
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As always, thank you for spending some time and attentive energy with me. Until next week <3