"The flame 'goes out' to our sensing. But the fire still IS."
—Walter Russell, "The Secret of Light"
I enjoy swinging my axe. Something magical happens in my heart when the sharp wedge of my maul splits each log in half with one crashing blow.
Because my body was not created to sit still. It was built to move. To sweat. To chop. To dance with LIFE.
And with each splitting strike, I pile the wood which sets the stage for our fire to resurrect its ageless, honest, hypnotic dance.
With each swing, my heart pumps a little harder as my back slicks salty brine, and I feel my body ignite in anticipation.
My earnest smile widens. My inner child breathes through my hands, and his Spirit roars with laughter.
Every fire I've ever ignited was the same fire, and he knows it.
This lumberjacking body we call Sean is not the Creator of this Universal FORCE.
For I am simply an axe man who arranges the proper conditions on this plane of existence, with the help of my brother and his chainsaw.
And when the conditions are met, and the fuel is set, the ever-burning FORCE of FIRE materializes to consume the stage on which it dances with effortless efficiency.
In this moment, perhaps you have a fire rolling in your cast iron stove. Or in a pit in your backyard where your dinner is cooking.
Your fire keeps you warm, and cooks your food. It gives itself to you freely each time you call it forth.
Your neighbor has their own flame to tend, as does every other human across the entire world. We need not ask permission to access it whenever we need it.
And while each living flame materializes within the space you’ve designated, the FORCE of FIRE is its eternal source. We all share the same FIRE, which gives itself to anyone and everyone simultaneously.
And when your logs have been transformed to ash, the FIRE blips out of existence in the realm of your sensory perception. But it does not cease TO BE.
The Ever-Burning Fire
There is a line from the Bhagavad Gita which states, "I am the offering and the fire which consumes it, and the one to whom it is offered."
The same Presence of LIFE beats your heart, my heart, and all other hearts simultaneously. Just as the same FIRE ignites the logs in your hearth, His old journal pages, and the coals under Her dinner pot.
Every person you've ever known has been fueled by the same FIRE, the same force of LIFE.
So whether or not you agree with the opinions, beliefs, or the looks of the person sitting next to you, please always remember, you are powered by the same Source.
And in this Source of LIFE, this ever-burning FIRE, you will find what unites us all.
In you, I see myself. And I love you dearly.
And I love you dearly back.
I just observed someone being lynched by writing something that is not the shared opinion of the group. Before he was called a troll, I clicked the like button on his comment coz I could see his side. And when I went back later, I saw the replies. Everyone wants to keep in line with ideas but not with people. So much ego, and so much tightening of sides... I wanted to say something because it is a "spiritual" group- but I didn't feel like starting another fiasco:)
So, I laugh, and here you are.