"The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark."
—Virginia Woolf
Just ask, and most people will tell you all about Life's meaning. Whatever meaning they attribute to it, that is. And they'll speak with fiery passion.
But the polarizing truth is, we each create meaning for ourselves.
Despite how deeply I’d like to impress upon you the formless insights born through my experience, they simply wouldn’t translate unless you’ve walked my path.
And perhaps this is one of Life's greatest lessons. That the most meaningful discoveries you will ever make can not be given to anyone else.
Because they are built within your heart like Mother Earth grows a seed into a tree.
And since we are all growing at our own rates here, we must remember to be compassionate with one another through our individualized processes.
What guides you?
While others will offer effortless guidance on your path, no one else knows what your heart needs. You are the only Hue-Man who can feel what it’s asking for.
Your heart is an electromagnetic compass, built right into your chest. It pulls you to your highest path, removing the need to look to others for how to be.
And it's funny—you can't spell the word, Compassion, without the word, Compass.
Your heart remembers how it’s cut from the same cloth as the others, so it knows the best solution is the most compassionate one. Yet it will never force you to listen.
But here's where it gets a little tricky.
Like any other muscle in your body, you must work with your heart a little bit each day to strengthen your relationship, and to learn to trust where it points you.
Because your brain sits atop your heart, loudly buzzing what it feels is safest for you. And it’s highly efficient at drowning out the whispering Will from below, if left unchecked.
A bridge must be built between these two poles of your conscious perception.
By linking your mind, the racing and protective force it is, with your heart, the soft Mother who whispers the way, compassion naturally emerges to illuminate meaning in everything.
Your heart will guide you home
We're all grown up kids here.
Can you remember when your childhood shifted to adolescence? And then, the moment you became an adult who follows their own compass?
Perhaps the shift from The Child happens when we start filtering our raw and wondrous fascination about Life through the stories we create about it in our minds.
For, The Child has no need for stories when everything is a new experience, hardwired to The Heart.
There are many grown up kids now searching for meaning, and some have forgotten where they’re supposed to look.
But this is a time of compassionate remembering. When the overarching meaning of Life rings louder in our hearts, calling us to tune in together.
So I’ll hold my hand out if you stagger. And I trust you’ll be there to catch me if I fall.
We’re in this together.