How To: Set The Right Goals
#53 - Use the Pyramid of Goals to achieve everything you set out to do this year.
"Experience is what you got when you didn’t get what you wanted.”
—A guy at a gas station in Illinois
If you’re being honest with yourself right now, you can probably recall a time when you failed to accomplish one of your goals. And trust me, I know the sting from personal experience too.
But failure is meant to be a teacher, rather than something you build your identity from. It is not an endpoint, but a gateway in your journey which challenges your virgin self to be educated by life through galvanizing experience.
Success builds momentum upon itself, just like unchecked failure does. And we both know which feeling we’d rather be our normal baseline.
This year, in order to achieve even your loftiest goals, you should become an expert in using smaller, more attainable goals as checkpoints which give you the confidence to keep going.
Setting incremental goals teaches you what it means to work smarter rather than harder, and why you should not have to push yourself toward your big goal with great force.
Instead, each smaller goal acts as an anchor you can confidently use to incrementally pull yourself closer to the finish line, greatly increasing your likelihood of success.
T.H.E. has created a visual tool to help you remember the framework for building winning goals. Read below and use this 3-point visual guide to build the momentum you want in 2023…